
Showing posts from March, 2016

Wellspring of LIFE - Proverb 16:22

"Understanding is a wellspring of life for he that has it, but foolishness is the instruction of fools." ~ Proverb 16:22 Apply what you understand to be right to your day, you know what that is, listen to the voice which gives you wisdom from the knowledge you have stored up all the days of your life because it is better than being instructed by foolishness like those fools who think folly is the good teacher. Think of the wise men who went to visit Mary and the child king. Herod's instruction was foolish, "...come back and report to me so I can go and worship this saviour also." Knowing very well he had no intention to submit goodwill towards Jesus, the wise men full of a wellspring of life understood this blatant fallacy and left a different route after going to give offerings to Jesus. Fill up your wellspring today. When someone offers you foolish counsel, challenge it with your understanding and you will not go astray.